Legal Notice - User Warning
EC International Group SARL
Capital social: 1 499 640€
Adresse :
Ecoparc de Madrid
4 allée Jules Verne
74150 Rumilly - FRANCE
RCS: 799 418 850
N° TVA :FR 44 799 418 850
Editorial manager:
Jérémy Duchoud
Development and web design:
Agence Félix
4 bis Avenue du Pont de Tasset
74960 Cran Gevier
Hosted by:
When you open a page on our website, you will see a message indicating the presence of Cookies on our platform. These Cookie files are installed on your device (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) in order to collect information about your browsing activity. Below, you will find explanations and procedures for configuring cookies according to your preferences.
About cookies:
A cookie is a file in which information about your browsing activity is recorded. It is saved on your hard drive by your browser (e.g. in the history) when you visit a website. This small file allows the server hosting the website to identify and recognize you during the lifetime of the cookie.
Why do we use cookies?
There are three types of cookies we may use.
Most technical cookies (such as session cookies) are essential for the correct functioning of the website. Deleting them may cause browsing difficulties.
Technical cookies are essential to the operation of the website. They allow access to protected areas (e.g. professional accounts) using personal logins (session usernames and passwords).
They usually have a very short lifespan.
These cookies collect your login information so that the owner of the website can determine the number of visits to their website, the average visiting time, the most-visited pages, the browser used, etc.
Google Analytics generates a cookie with a unique identifier that collects your IP address in order to identify the location from which you are connecting but without ever identifying your computer or personal details.
Our website contains links for sharing content to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or any other platform that allows you to share content from our website with other internet users. When you use these sharing buttons, a third-party cookie is installed with your consent. If you are logged into a social media platform when browsing our website, the sharing buttons link the content you have viewed to your user account.
How to manage cookies
You have several options for managing cookies. Any configuration you use may modify your browsing experience on the internet and your access conditions to any services that require the use of Cookies.
You can choose to express and change your cookie preferences at any time using the procedures described below.
Each browser can be configured to allow or refuse the presence of cookies on your device:
List of procedures:
You can also configure your preferences directly on the platforms that insert cookies using the following links. Note: if a cookie is rejected, it will be saved on your device with the sole purpose of disabling the services associated with it. So, if you delete all cookies stored on your device via your browser, we will no longer know that you have chosen this option.
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How to manage cookies
For more information about cookies, you can consult the CNIL website at this address (website in French):